E4D - 1 hour restorations

What is E4D CAD/CAM?
The E4D system is a state-of-the-art digital scanner, virtual design center, and a milling unit capable of fabricating esthetic and strong porcelain restorations. This system provides us with the capability of delivering same day porcelain crowns, veneers, inlays and onlays to you using the latest in technology and clinically proven materials. In contrast to conventional porcelain restorations, which often taken two full appointments to restore a single tooth, the E4D system enables us to scan your tooth, design the final restoration virtually, and mill your metal-free restoration with precision in just about an hour. This eliminates the need to wear a temporary for weeks and come back for another appointment.
Why same day dentistry?
Conventional dental methods of placing crowns usually require two appointments. During
the first one, the dentist prepares the tooth, takes an impression and places a temporary crown. The temporary is usually on for 2-3 weeks. During that time lots of things can happen: the tooth may become sensitive or start hurting, it can break, or the temporary may pop off. The E4D system eliminates the waiting period for a final restoration. Saving you from possible discomfort and the time of having to come back.
Case 1 - front teeth crowns
This patient had two failing crowns on her front teeth. |
The old crowns and decay was removed. The dark color is from the tooth changing color as a result of an old root canal. |
A digital scanner creates detailed 3-D image of the patients teeth by taking multiple photographs |
The computer generates two ideal matching crowns. We can then adjust size, shape, and color if necessary. |
The final crowns are milled out of blocks of poreclain. |
The final cemented restorations, completed the same day! |
Case 2 - back teeth crowns
This Patient had two crowns that needed to be replaced |
After removed the old crowns and cleaning decay, a digital impression was taken using the E4D scanner.
The scanner takes photos from different angles to create a 3-D image of the teeth. |
The software then designs the new crown for the best possible esthetics and function. |
Here are the new crowns, about and 1.5 hours later.
Case 3 - veneer
Her lateral incisors was rotated inward. To correct this we decided to place a veneer using the E4D system. Since the E4D system is can fabricate thin veneers, no reduction of tooth structure was done. |
Her teeth were scanned into the systems. |
A veneer was designed to match the adjacent teeth. |
The final restoration completed with reduction of any tooth structure. |
Case 4 -Implant Crown
Case 5 - Bonded bridge
This patient was too young for an implant. As a long term temporary we decided to attach a bonded bridge to the inside of the teeth. |
The patient is scanned into the E4D system |
The bridge is designed to attach to inside of the teeth while not altering the patients bite. |
The final bridge. The restoration was fabricated in about 1 hour without the reduction of tooth structure. |
Case 6 -Onlay
An onlay is a conservative crown. In this case the patient had fractured off the outside of the tooth. The middle area has a filling. The inside area still has healthy tooth structure. |
The E4D system designed and mills a restoration to replace the missing tooth structure. |
The Final restoration cemented in about 45 minutes later. |